Transcendental Titans

Revolt Against Modernity

Category: Current Affairs

The Not So Radical Right

As 2022 comes to a close, we can look back on a year replete with good tidings for our movement. The seemingly total grip our overlords exerted via their control of the narrative has been shattered utterly. Their corruption has been irrefutably exposed to the masses, from the futility, wastefulness, and mendacity of the Covid-19 response to the deep state’s efforts to subvert the public discourse through bribes to social media giants. As we enter 2023, it seems that there are now more dissidents than ever and that there is an undeniable human tidal wave of those opposed to the global order and its machinations. Yet while many good things have come from 2022, there is one fatal error that must be fully corrected; one massive erroneous conflation that could spell disaster for us. We have fallen into the belief that exposing and destroying the regime will automatically save our people. We have naively bought into the idea that the more truth tellers we have, the healthier our people will become. To follow this logic is to pursue a lie.  

It is of course necessary to destroy the apparatus of a corrupt and suicidal liberal hegemonic order. Yet we must understand that we are not first and foremost ‘dissidents’ because we oppose any specific policy of our governments, but because we are advocates for the continued existence of our people. At this point, only the most ardent fanatics and the most degenerated sycophants are in full support of the programme the globalists are attempting to unleash onto the world. Whether it’s climate change, Covid-19 tyranny, the rise of ‘equity’, BLM, or trans-rights, talk to almost anyone long enough and they will express a heresy on at least one of these topics. We live in societies populated by those who have been declared dissident and transgressive without ever having expressed radical opinions; the elite has gone drastically away from the masses, propped up by an ever smaller and smaller segment of the population. As material conditions decline, their support, as well as their ability to implement their demented policies, will evaporate completely.

In a world where almost everyone is a dissident of some kind, waiting for the death knell of a senile and tired ideology, the description is meaningless. It is true we may share common ground with many of those now forced into opposition to the government by its extreme social engineering, but these bonds are nevertheless too weak to form a coherent movement. Our task is not simply to stymy the existing order, but to be the vanguard that offers a new vision of the world, one which leads to the revival and flourishing of our people once again. While the big tent approach is alluring, it is ultimately doomed to failure. We have seen this in the aftermath of Charlottesville where the tentative bonds that held a coalition of disparate dissidents together were too brittle to withstand the lawfare and media recriminations, scattering the ‘Alt Right’ to the winds.

In its place we have seen the proliferation of Conservative Inc. shills, infotainment streamers grifting daily by offering turgid analysis of the news, manosphere buffoons, and Christians papering over the differences of their ragtag audiences with pop theology. While it could be said all of these group’s chip away at the legitimacy of the regime, none of them will save our race. Increasingly, the front men of these circus operations are not even from our race to begin with. This white nationalism without whites has capitalised on the growing audience of state mandated do-nothing dissidents seeking out performative critiques of the regime, without confronting and telling the whole truth on the biggest issue facing us: demographic replacement. If we are unable to push this issue to the fore, the regime very well may fall, but what will replace it will by a third world coalition of cranks, not a revived and revitalised European people.

If we accept that our spokesmen are to be Hispanic Christian nationalists and black rappers, with their message propagated by alt-lite orbiters and mixed-race streamers then we have already lost. If we cannot stop The Great Replacement even within our own movement, we have no chance of reversing it in the wider world. The alure of the easy downward path will always be too much for some. At the Battle of Hastings in 1066 when victory seemed assured, many of King Harold’s loyal Anglo-Saxon thanes foolishly abandoned the high ground they occupied to chase the supposedly fleeing Norman invaders, blinded by the prospect that total victory was at hand. By being baited to abandon their elevated position atop the hill, they were thus destroyed, and both the battle and kingdom was lost. I am therefore planting my banner deep into the soil of this hill I am prepared to die on and stating plainly: this must be a movement for us, by us. Salvation will not come from without but must be stoked from within. We must not abandon our high ground to chase the prospect of easy victory in the valley below. We must instead take the much more difficult and time-consuming higher path.

We are not simply engaged in destroying the existing order. We are dedicated to the uncompromising goal of reorientating and rebuilding our people and our society. Our task is much more arduous than that of simple demolition. Each of us is a beacon, broadcasting into the darkness, attempting to make contact with those of our people who are open to our message. We have changed our frame of reference and view ourselves as part of a collectivist struggle. The wealth, and the skills we garner are no longer just for our private use and entertainment but strengthen our whole tribe. While an increasing number of grifters think they can make comfortable careers by draining the limited resources of our collective war chest, we hunters and gatherers labour tirelessly to make our movement more prosperous, stronger, and more educated.

Our metaphysical belief in the revival of our people and our civilization is the concrete foundation that allows us to withstand the chaos of a collapsing world. The weak willed nominally on our side who focus only on purely frivolous political issues will ultimately be swept away. We must always privilege quality and practice discernment and discrimination. If we are truly Evolian, if we are really right-wing in the best sense of that term, quality always trumps quantity. If I must hold the hill alone, I will do so as Spengler’s last Roman, watching those who abandon it to chase the phantom of an easy remaking of the world be destroyed in the melee below. But I do not think I will fight on alone, because each awakened member of our race who accepts the higher path into their heart is another shoulder bracing the great shield wall beside me.

Our victory requires a total mobilisation of white society, young and old, male, and female. In the great titanic struggles of history, it is not absolute numbers that make the difference, but zeal of those engaged in the struggle. We must harden our hearts now and act as ideological commissars, giving the order that there should be not one step back. It is not optimism that is cowardice, but compromise. Those who minimise the gravity of our situation, and the defeatists who say it is too late must both be purged as disloyal to the cause. We are engaged in an existential battle for survival, and we are losing. The last Confederate statue has been removed from Richmond, Virginia and the most recent UK census data reaffirms what we already know by looking at our towns and cities.

The situation can be reversed however, we have just enough time. The lesson of 2022 is that the prison guards watching the panopticon of our race’s collective thoughts have left the building; the white race’s mental prison no longer is under armed guard. Now is our chance to storm the Bastille, to turn the cracks in the walls of the narrative into huge breaches, through which we will liberate our people from their mental enslavement. The clowns and grifters who are adjacent to our struggle but can never fully participate in it have their uses, they are distracting the establishment and providing us the ability to organise. We must ensure however that they are subservient to our interests, not the other way around.

We must clearly understand now that their mission is not our mission. We are engaged in forging the nucleus of a new intellectual and political elite to shepherd our people away from the wolves and the hyenas confronting us. In a chaotic world of false friends and shifting alliances, I identify my kinsmen in this struggle not simply by what they say, but also who they are. Our circle may be smaller because of this, but it ultimately will be stronger, strong enough to hold our hill against all comers, to not only withstand the storm, but to ride out after it blows over and to reforge a new and vital world from the ruins of the old one.

While those of the not so radical right disgraced themselves by casting their lot in with the jesters and freaks rushing to their demise, we true bannermen of our race shall occupy the high ground with the king, elevating ourselves ever more, closing the celestial distance between ourselves and our ancestors in the heavens. Undoubtedly the regime will continue to weaken in 2023, but we must labour every day to ensure that rather than it replacing us, we shall instead replace it. This year is ours for the taking, we must only be true to ourselves and our principles. I invite all true patriots to lock their shield with mine and drive our enemies from the field. A few good men beats numbers.

Wain’s World & The Disintegration of Discourse

The progression of English artist Louis Wain’s (1860-1939) work as his mental health reportedly declined

The wheel has turned, the merry-go-round of modernity has performed another rotation. One could be forgiven for thinking at first sight that things are much as they were before; the same cast of characters leers back at us. Trump and Farage continue to dominate the headlines, and the entourage of grifters and sycophants that surround them seem wearingly familiar. Yet even a cursory glance at contemporary political discourse reveals that we have experienced a sea change. Even the most humdrum media commentators are not as they once were. The embattled centre has finally collapsed. The dam which was holding dissident ideas of all stripes has broken, and formerly simmering undercurrents of thought boil to the fore. Extreme ideas are battling for the minds of the public, and with a sudden thawing of restrictions on speech, the great war of value systems is being conducted in the open for the first time.

To see the fast-developing new fault lines, we need only to contrast the utterances of Jordan Peterson with the bombast of Kanye West. As Jordan Peterson weepingly prostrates himself in Jerusalem, declaring “the fate of the world depends on Israel”, Kanye West has launched into a shocking attack on the prevailing power structure. Confused and partial though his strikes have been, they have forced those previously pulling the strings from behind the curtains into an uncomfortable and unwanted spotlight. Kanye West is a stray bombshell that has hit an ammo dump, igniting furious debate from all corners. The elite are battling an inferno they cannot put out, the damage has been done. Elon Musk is pouring fuel onto those flames, reassuring us in what we already knew to be true. Vested interests have been subverting reality, desperately trying to channel discourse along acceptable lines while maintaining their grip on power.

The elite’s ability to control the narrative, to present a false picture of the world to the masses, has collapsed. Major world events occur now without an agreed upon party line, there is no longer a coherent mainstream consensus. What was the origin of the Coronavirus? Who destroyed the Nord Stream pipeline, and why? Why is Sam Bankman-Fried still a free citizen after committing unprecedented fraud? How deep does Hunter Biden’s web of corruption run? The mainstream politicians and legacy media offer no cogent answers to any of these questions, and into this vacuum of credibility thousands of voices have started to offer their own answers, speculating on who the guilty party may be. A din of competing explanations is reverberating on all channels in an open dialogue which was long artificially repressed. Debanking and deplatforming have failed to silence Kanye or to commercially cripple Elon.

The sudden disintegration of the centre and the collapse of narrative control by the elite has in part been facilitated by worsening material conditions in the real world. The scale of the lies which must be told to explain plummeting living standards, huge population movements, all-encompassing health tyranny, and global conflict are colossal. The reasons they proffer for our impoverishment, disenfranchisement, and loss of liberty are insufficient. The mendacious webs they have tried to weave are too transparent; even the most apathetic and detached can now see the falsehoods. All those shivering in unheated homes or living next to overflowing camps of ‘refugees’ now understand politics affects them personally. Those previously contented to let the all-knowing elites run the world have realised that they have driven us off a cliff.

Chaotic and unpredictable forces have now been unleashed. It is unsurprising that into this void of uncertainty, Christianity has reasserted itself in political life. Both Jordan Peterson and Kanye West couch their morality in Christian terms; Nick Fuentes declares himself the prophet of Christian nationalism. Though belief in milquetoast organised Christianity in the West has collapsed amongst the masses, in a crisis it has returned as an animating nucleus of vanguard elements. This path is not our path, however. While the current chaos offers opportunities for dissidents, it also presents severe dangers. We must not allow one set of buffoonish elites to be replaced by another. We must not abandon our principles and follow the pied pipers of pandemonium down the slippery slope into madness.

It is increasingly apparent we are being offered white nationalism without whites, as the coalition of dissenters against the global liberal order expands to include new ethnic groups and social classes. Eric Kaufmann’s theory of ‘whiteshift’ is playing out on a grand stage. Christianity is being lauded as the thread which can tie the disparate disruptor’s caucus together, the tried-and-true glue that can bind a shaky alliance of disaffected groups. At this critical moment, we must not be distracted by the circus an unravelling world serves up to us daily. We cannot lose sight of our goals. Our race will not be liberated from without, but instead its salvation must come from within. Contemporary events are offering us much ammunition and many fresh angles for the ideational attack, but chaos alone does not guarantee our victory; we must also fight to achieve it.

Recent UK census data brings into sharp focus the grave reality of our situation. The demographic clock is ticking and nothing that has been said will change that. We must be Machiavellian in our struggle for power, if truths are uttered from unlikely mouths, we should amplify and utilise them. But we must not forget that our credo is not their credo, and we are working for nothing less than the total metaphysical and demographic revival of our race. The discursive and political environment may have changed, but our goal remains unerringly the same. Our previous attacks have been repulsed, but we throw ourselves at the breach once again with vigour.

To those who have been in the movement for years, the struggle is familiar, yet at the same time strange and novel. Just as the images of English artist Louis Wain (1860-1939) became more warped and abstract as he descended into madness, so too has our world become alien and freakish. Our towns and cities no longer reflect us but are instead degenerated and alarming parodies of what they once were. Discourse too, has become bizarre and unhinged, increasingly gravitating towards the most unnuanced and clownish positions. The disintegration of the centre will only accelerate this unstoppable descent into the incoherent and unknown. The winds of chaos will only become stronger, sweeping up those without any firm intellectual or ideological grounding.

We must stand tall as granite pillars of stability and reason, unceasingly pushing the public conversation towards our message as we try and reach as many of our people as we can. We must not be paralysed by the outlandish theatre playing out hour by hour, but instead be proactive in building our own alternative, coherent, and stabilising worldview which saves our civilization and restores order to a world in chaos. We cannot at this moment change the fact we are living in Louis Wain’s world: an ever-distorting reality, increasingly more abstract and inchoate. We must play events as they are dealt to us, but we must also keep our eye firmly fixed on our final prize: salvation, stability, and the triumph of our ideas.

Awakening Arminius

We are being buffeted by an unrelenting storm of chaos. The global economy lies in ruins, with leading stocks having shed as much as eighty percent of their value while European countries face the prospect of the lights going out this winter. A major conflict rages on the European periphery, ominously threatening to either drastically expand in scope or to turn nuclear. And while these catastrophes engulf us, the West is being piloted by the most degenerated, inept, and decrepit political elite that ever could be imagined. A natural response to this is to feel an overwhelming sense of dismay and powerlessness; to batten down the hatches and to try to insulate ourselves from the worst of it. It is easy to believe this is simply an age to be endured, and that our immediate goal can only be narrowly trying to survive. But this type of thinking discounts an important truth: chaos is good for us. This is the greatest opportunity in a generation to influence the course of world events.

There is a pernicious belief amongst the radical right that our enemies are all powerful and monolithic. That we are ruled over by an infallible cabal of psychopaths, always unleashing the next stage of their devious machinations on a helpless and impotent public. The reality is much more nuanced than this. It is plain to see that many of the forces the global elites have unleashed are now beyond their control. We are all hostages on a runaway train with no brakes. Our opponents are neither unflinchingly unified nor unswervingly capable, but rather subject to the same whims of fortune as us. They are rapidly losing their grip on their most powerful levers of control: safety and prosperity. The vast majority of those who have acquiesced in the global liberal order have not done so out of a deep-seated ideological belief in it. They turn a blind eye to its excesses because the system has benefitted them materially, it has kept them in comfortable gilded cages. This is abruptly about to come to an end.

A drastic decline in real terms living standards will do more to make people receptive to our ideas than a thousand speeches or essays. We are already seeing this. The times are not even yet as bad as they will be, and populist parties are gaining unprecedented shares of the vote from Italy to Sweden. It is not that these parties will solve our problems, in fact they will most likely fail to make any meaningful difference at all. But they are a proof of concept, a public admission that the masses are already open to radical new ideas on how to reshape society. The Overton window has not just been shifted; it has been shattered completely. At every turn we must be there to offer our solutions, to shine a searchlight on the guilty parties. Up until now, we have been too willing to compromise, we have lagged slavishly behind the populist trailblazing of others, hoping a moderate approach can prevail. We must at this moment now undergo a process of re-radicalisation. We are not here for the purposes of infotainment or grifting, but to form the intellectual vanguard of a revolutionary movement that can save our nations and our people.

And yet many of us are tired. Numbed by past failures, disheartened that all our struggle and sacrifice seems to have scarcely moved the needle one iota in our favour. The daily demoralisation propaganda is doing its work, and in the coming age of austerity the kneejerk reaction is to focus only on what we can control, to scale down our commitments both financial and mental to abstract political struggle. Yet it is exactly at this moment that support is most vital. When the fighting is the thickest, that is when the battle will be decided. Though we are weary, we must summon our remaining energy to brace the shield wall once again. Instead of turning inwards, it is now time for us to step from the shadows. Just as in the dense and murky Teutoburg forest the Germanic chieftain Arminius ambushed and destroyed a complacent and unsuspecting Roman army, we must too spring our trap.

It is of course not feasible for everyone to cast their personal responsibilities to the wind and commit themselves totally to radical politics, nor is this in actuality desirable. But what all reading these words now can do is to help arm the political gladiators, to act as nodes in this great network dedicated to reordering society. Every time you donate to Counter Currents, each time you share a dissident video, every instance where you speak the truth to friends, family, and those who are open to our message, you bring us one step closer to victory. Chaos by itself will not guarantee the adoption of our ideas. The fact that what we are saying is right is irrelevant. There is no Marxist inevitability of triumph inborne in our Weltanschauung. In fact, we have only a slim hope of success. But from small stones comes a landslide, and now is the time when our efforts will be magnified and rewarded. Vote for the future you want to bring into being with your time and your money. If it is not possible for you to take to the field of battle, then at the very least you must empower those engaged in the struggle to succeed.

We must bolster our institutions and our ideological programme to prevail. Throwing a wrench in the slaughterhouse our enemies have constructed for us grants us only a temporary reprieve if we have nothing to replace it with. The final collapse of rotten foundations and a warped establishment is a hollow victory if we do not manage to fill the vacuum their disappearance creates. This may happen sooner rather than later. All totalitarian systems of thought-control seem suffocatingly all encompassing and eternal until people suddenly stop believing they are. The dissolution of the Soviet Union, the collapse of the Ceausescu regime, and a dozen other examples demonstrate how quickly the political winds can change. This lends our task of creating a parallel system of thought and elite individuals a sense of urgency. We must imagine and advertise an entirely new world and do so quickly.

National revival begins with personal resurrection. Before we can change the world, we must first change ourselves. By growing your personal power, by marshalling your strength, by expanding your resources, you are augmenting the great fasces that is our race. You are acting as a gatherer contributing to the greater wellbeing of your tribe, you are an engineer in the colossal arms factory which is providing the intellectual shells and bullets that will blow apart the lies of our enemies. In the afterglow of their BLM and Covid tyranny, our overlords think they have successfully cowed the population. But just as the hubris of the Romans led them to fail to detect that Arminius’ loyalty was to his own people and not to their system, our elites will make the same miscalculation. We have been sharpening our swords in the woods for years, waiting for our moment to strike. Now is that moment to not only waken one Arminius, but instead to prove we have hundreds of thousands of them. The world is in chaos, and it is ours for the taking, if only we have the will to seize it.

No More Brother War?

“War does not determine who is right – only who is left” Bertrand Russell

The Dissident Right’s analysis of the on-going war in Ukraine has revealed a significant number of intellectual and theoretical failings. It has been hampered by an inability to unmoor itself from a hyperpolarised, myopically partisan view of the world which is undergirded by misguided sentimentality. The question we should be asking now is not which side is the most moral in this conflict, but rather what will this war mean for Europe and Europeans? To answer that question, we require a realistic assessment of who we truly are. Those who lament the sight of brother fighting brother once again on European soil fundamentally misunderstand that conflict is the central dynamo of our people; as historian Niall Ferguson puts it, competition is one of the killer apps of Western civilisation. With this in mind, we must view this war not only as a crisis but an opportunity to remake Europe in our image.

Undoubtedly, for those affected by this ferocious conflagration it is a source of untold misery. It is understandable that nationalists and liberals alike should mourn the unwarranted casualties who are suffering through horrors of war the like of which have not been seen since dissolution of Yugoslavia. This sentiment is acutely felt by those invested in the preservation of the European people. At a time when we are so demographically imperilled, it seems suicidal madness for tens of thousands of the bravest and best of our people to be killed in a futile neo-imperial struggle. It is reasonable to feel that the Achilles’ heel of Europe has been our fractious, violently quarrelsome nature. It is reasonable to think this – but it is also wrong.

Seventy years of peace and hegemonic liberalism have done dramatically more damage to European demographics and culture than any previous war ever has. Some would contest this point immediately, arguing that Europe exhausted itself fighting two catastrophic World Wars which nearly destroyed not only the continent, but the entire planet. Yet it was not these wars which are themselves the cause of our ills, but the spiritual and psychological fallout in their aftermath. Our total loss of confidence prompted Europe to surrender its primacy on the world stage and to turn inwards, submitting itself to the strait jacket of governance by globalist institutions. The European martial spirit has largely laid dormant since then, and we have been decaying ever since. This is a wakeup call.

Just because the West has viewed war only as an instrument to be utilised when remaking unwilling third world countries in our ideological image, the rest of the world has not taken on that definition. Russia never transitioned from the old realities of geopolitics, its policy makers, many of whom were forged in the Soviet system, still view power as stemming from territory, natural resources, tanks, and missiles. While the Western political elite congratulates itself on the fact our soft power can raise the LGBTQ flag around the globe, Russia never updated its geopolitical calculus. A plethora of explanations have been offered for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but perhaps Occam’s Razor suits best when asking why Putin launched his unexpected gambit. Rightly or wrongly, Russia believed it could invade unchallenged and ultimately gain spoils in land, subjects, and plunder by doing so.

Whether or not this is actually true is another matter. It may well be the case that this has been a colossal miscalculation by Putin. While liberal comparisons between Hitler and Putin abound, one comparison that may ring true is just as Hitler remarked that he had only to kick in the door of the Soviet Union and the whole rotten structure would collapse, Putin may have reached a similar assessment of the West. In reality, the Russian state may have too few troops and too little political will to see this invasion through to the end. It is enticing for some to hope for a total Russian victory, not out of petty animosity towards Ukrainians but because Russia could represent a new traditionalist hegemonic force, an antidote to Western woke tyranny. This is a simplistic and naïve view – Russia is operating out of sheer national interest. Alexander Dugin is offering an honest assessment when he states that Eurasianism is not for export – it is naturally a geographically limited endeavour.

Indeed, it seems laughable to suggest that a nation which is struggling to project power a few hundred miles from its own border could be the next globe spanning superpower. Putin in the end may not be a conquering hero, but rather a kamikaze pilot crashing the Russian state into the aircraft carrier that is Western liberalism.  Putin fancies himself as a modern Peter the Great, however if he mismanages this campaign, he may end with more in common with the doomed Tsar Nicholas II.

Much hay has been made by Twitter armchair generals and gleeful Western media outlets about supposed Russian military ineptitude. The true impact of this on the eventual outcome of the war is likely overstated, after all, war is a series of disasters that results in a winner. Clausewitizian principles have not gone away on the modern battlefield, and if anything, the unknowable variables that cause the friction of war have multiplied in the drone era. The problems of devising and executing new military doctrines in an untested full scale modern war environment most likely affect both sides equally. The Ukrainian military may be equipped with thousands of cutting-edge Javelin anti-tank weapons and Turkish drones, but it is also operating as many as 35,000 World War 1 era Maxim guns.  

The question is not therefore if Russia is making mistakes on the ground, but how much capacity to absorb costly engagements it has. This is not the mass army of the Soviet Union, there is no endless supply of motivated human waves to throw at the enemy. Russia, just as the West, is a demographically depleted nation whose population at large has a limited willingness to fight. The deployment of Chechen fighters to the front outraged nationalists of all stripes, but there is undoubtedly an element of raw Machiavellian pragmatism in this decision. Russia has neither the raw numbers nor the political appetite to win this war with native troops alone. The same impetus that prompted Germany’s Bundeswehr to mull over recruiting Poles, Italians, and Romanians has factored into Russia’s military strategy. This is not the triumphant burst of vitality from a young upstart nation, but rather two decrepit and demographically disappearing states squabbling for scraps.

The defects of Russia’s military machine have been exposed for all to see, but in launching its unexpected assault, Russia has shone a searchlight on the laughable infirmity of Europe’s security apparatus. Germany’s notable handwringing and delay in sending so-called lethal aid to Ukraine is in part a result of the dire state of its own armed forces. Europe’s elite have been left red faced as NATO members bicker over the limited supply of materiel. Germany is scouring its museums for tanks and dispatching mouldy and inoperable boxes of missiles to Ukraine’s frontline. It has failed to deliver tanks promised to Poland. Dissent grows in the alliance as France seeks a negotiated settlement, while nations such as Croatia and Hungary are hedging their bets. A fifth of Ukrainian territory is now in Russian hands, and disunity amongst European states may allow Putin to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

Whether Putin succeeds in his bid to annex Eastern Ukraine and beyond will however not be the lasting legacy of this invasion. Whatever else Putin has done, he has thrown a brick through the glass house of European sloth and inaction. Just as Gavrilo Princip’s bullet ended the old order in Europe forever, once the first missile hit Kiev it detonated all the old assumptions and platitudes of our liberal elite. European policy makers and much of the public at large have believed that the borders of Europe which were drawn up in 1945 are immutable facts of life. The truth is nations are living entities maintained not by political abstractions, but by the blood and sweat of patriots on the battlefield. This has always been so, and this iron law of the nature never changed despite wishful liberal thinking. Putin has fanned the embers of the martial spirit in Europe once again. While much ham-fisted propaganda has been disseminated in Ukraine’s favour, it is undeniable that the average infantryman facing down Russian tanks doesn’t believe nationhood is a mere set of abstract theories. He is fighting for hearth and home in a pitiless existential battle. Putin has proven to a Europe subservient to foreign military powers that it cannot rely on them for its security. If European states wish to survive, they must now be defended by Europeans.

While Putin has dramatically exposed the laughably misguided assumptions at the heart of our collective defence, he also put paid to the lie diversity is our strength. The large contingent of Ukrainian citizens who felt themselves to be ethnically Russian have sabotaged their state from within. Minorities have been weaponised, and this model could be applied next to the Baltic states and beyond. This prompts uncomfortable questions when we brooch the topic of divided loyalties in a Europe that houses tens of millions of foreign born and ethnic minority citizens. Our multi-ethnic societies have never been tested by a true crisis, and conflict begets conflict, as old ethnic tensions stir again, with Bosnia being just one example.

It may be hard to imagine that war, destruction, and chaos could lead to anything good for the European people. And yet, the path we were treading was one of our self-extinction; of a slow and suffocating senility. We were heading quietly into night as a new and alien world rose around us. When our race is in the slaughterhouse, anything that disrupts the machinery is a necessity. Europeans have always fought and struggled and sacrificed. The story of Europe is the story of our Janus headed dialectic; pagan fought Christian, Catholic battled Protestant, Royal dynasty was pitted against Royal dynasty, great and terrible modern ideologies squared up against each other. It is this constant reinvention of our continent by these huge battles of ideas that has enabled Europe to be the engine of world history for nigh-on three millennia.

Tactical assessments are infamously difficult to get right – it is almost impossible to know if Putin will win or lose. War is not a zero-sum game and in the short to medium term it may be the case that both sides suffer. What we can predict with more certainty is that we have seen the high watermark of the liberal order. Reeling from their defeats in Afghanistan and Syria, the liberal warmongers and meddlers are now besieged in their heartland. The Asiatic battering ram is at the castle gates, and this chaos might just be the distraction required for the patriots to escape from the dungeons. We do not dream of a Europe under Russian dominion. Those in Eastern Europe who have experienced Russian rule would scarcely recommend it, and the fact that Russia must impose itself by force speaks to the lack of appeal of its system. We want a Europe ruled by Europeans, for Europeans. Our elites are driving us off a cliff, and now is the time for us to wrestle the wheel from them.

Above all, the current conflict has elevated the stakes of all politics. We have no time for frivolity in the face of direct and immediate danger. People across our continent are waking up to the uncomfortable reality that is not enough to simply believe in Europe; you must fight for it too.  In the shockwave of economic and political turmoil to come, masses of disenfranchised and disillusioned Europeans will be looking for new political solutions. It is incumbent on us to be waiting in the wings, ready to offer our vision of the world and to shepherd our misled people back to greatness. War is a terrible thing, but to struggle is to live. There will be much more struggle to come, and we must be ready to make sure we are the victors of that struggle.